Saturday, October 23, 2010

I feel weird posting sketchy sketches. But I guess that is what I made this blog for.

I promised some Panty and Stocking, and now I will finally give you some. Very late in the day.
sketchy sketchy sketchy

I think these were the first drawn? I need more practice drawing girls!

 Also, I can't seem to keep age consistent :I
They supposed to look like high schoolers, right? I FAIL AT THIS but oh well I will keep trying~

And then I was peer-pressured into drawing slash.
And now I want to draw a bunch more.
And for some reason Stocking looks like a Disney princess.

Appropriate reaction image.

 I love Brief and I want to draw him forever. And cosplay. I am def doing this.
Actually I want to draw them all a whole bunch more.

Wow, my first actual sketch post in my sketch blog. I am so proud. Of myself.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This isn't what I had anticipated.

I don't feel like scanning things right now, so have some more old art. This stuff's older.
Like from... May? June?
Who knows.
 So here's some stuff from my poorly graded AP 2D design mythology concentration!
 cuddly widdle wurrwulf
 Umm, Chalchiuhtlicue. Aztec fertility goddess. Pretty cool chick. Her name took forever to look up, omg.

I will post actual new stuff sometime this week, promise ;0
... Most likely P&S, like I said...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wow, I have a blog now.

I guess so!
I think I'll mainly use this place to just upload sketches and junk, maybe cosplay progress. Whatever I feel like belongs here, whenever I remember to use it :>

On that note, have some geeky drawin's.

These were drawn back in like... August? At some con. It was so weird drawing South Park fan stuff, since I haven't in probably over a year. I wish the fandom wasn't so laden with insufferable ~kawaii yaoi omg desuneee~ people. 'Cause the characters really are still fun to draw.

Alright! Hopefully I will keep up updating this place. 
Maybe some Panty and Stocking next time, I think :3